DOB vs Age

Questions answered in this article:

  1. Why does BestPlanPro use DOB instead of Age?
  2. I can't change the year on my mobile device for BestPlanPro Online.  How can I change the year and not just scroll by months?


Why does BestPlanPro use DOB instead of Age?

What we've found is that clients are more likely to forget their age than their birthday (especially if they are older).  As a lot of plans exclude based around age and disease ages of onset, the risks of getting the age wrong are pretty high.  However, these risks are mitigated completely with the DOB field, which ensures the agent gets the right information from their client.  If, for example, a client is really 81 and they think they're 79, that's going to potentially lead to some false results and it could have all been avoided by just asking for the DOB and calculating the age from that.  That's our rationale for keeping the DOB instead of age.

I can't change the year on my mobile device for BestPlanPro Online.  How can I change the year and not just scroll by months?

If you're using Chrome or Firefox on android, when you open the date picker, it should open up the calendar, but if you tap on the year, it opens up a year list where you can rapidly change the year in question.  See below:





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